جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

كشكول جعفر الخابوري الاسبوعي مارس ٢٠٢٢م

اذهب الى الأسفل

كشكول جعفر الخابوري الاسبوعي مارس ٢٠٢٢م  Empty كشكول جعفر الخابوري الاسبوعي مارس ٢٠٢٢م

مُساهمة من طرف جعفر الخابوري الجمعة مارس 11, 2022 6:21 am

When Al-Mansur Al-Abbasid felt his end was approaching, he wanted to pave the way for his son Al-Mahdi and endear him to the hearts of the people, so he launched a campaign against the wealthy and the owners of estates, properties and valuables, a campaign of robbery, looting and confiscation, and he ordered that every money, land or estate be kept in a register showing the name of its owner, then he recommended his son Al-Mahdi to He returns it to its owners on the first days of his caliphate, so that hearts will be transformed for him and hearts will be opened by his covenant, so people will love him and things will be smooth for him. Deception is a technique of people’s techniques and a nature of the nature of some of them, but in politics it is a followed approach, which they communicate to the great for the greater, because of the victory that he may achieve without cost, and it is not surprising that politics with its people is a cold or hot war, to gain a friend or destroy an enemy, and to separate gathering and reunification Neutralizing some people and seeking help from others. This has been the practice of politics since people had rule and authority, and since their souls sought the homes of Godliness. All history reveals the continuation of cunning, deception and conspiracy in politics, and that with it they make an oath that they do not intend to fulfill, make a covenant and refuse to break it, they announce a matter and facilitate its opposite, and they appear apparent and their intentions are hidden, and they make promises and what they want is a promise, they promise and what they want is a threat, they calm down and what they want is waiting for them, they pray and they pray The estrangement, they give and their demand is the taking, and they make peace, preparing for war The conspiracy is the blood of politics, whose heart is pulsing with it, and their faces have been arrogant in it by spilling the water of modesty, and their hearts have hardened by quenching their conscience. Adorned that with this they only wanted to serve the homeland and the interest of the nation, maintain security and cut off evil. And due to the excessive fame of politics with cunning, they plotted this fame and used it to absolve themselves of the consequences of their actions, so they attributed every corruption and every resurrection against them, or opposition to them, to external roots conspiring against the homeland, and they do not care about the homeland except their protected selves. The dispute over the sultan is right or invalid, as it is an external conspiracy or backed from the outside, and they increased their hoarseness with such an article until the minds swept away and turned away from it, so the international politicians who drew up the schemes of cunning found that the opportunity has come and the circumstances have arisen to disable the public awareness of the conspiracy theory And its coefficients will be hidden from the eyes of the observers with green spaces that admire the onlookers, so the media ignorant of the people in a gift that does not know what gives it and what allows it or its driver and its only, repeated on the ears of people every time and every situation and by all means denounced the conspiracy theory And their cunning spread among the people, so every purpose paid renter for this purpose began to repeat and repeat the disapproval, followed by every inattentive, homeless person repeating their saying with them, then it became an icon of people’s awareness. Against the opponents, and everyone who still says it is either following them and blowing one of their trumpets, or he is naive, laughing at him, and so on, and so on until he marched on the wedding with ululated ululates, and silenced their cheers, all hesitant and suspicious. O people, with your treachery today, the politicians have repented of their cunning, disbanded their hands of deceit, and stopped short and long planning, and have abstained themselves from what is under the hands of the people! how? Isn't the developed world building its work and its future on short- and long-term plans? What is the difference between planning and conspiracy? A minute hair, when you plan for yourself and according to the opportunities you have and the dangers that threaten you, you are planning, but when you are looking for what other people have of bliss or what is hell, and what is under his land of wealth he knows and does not know, and the strengths and weaknesses in his society, and opportunities for division and cohesion between its citizens, and their past history and the enemy and friend that surrounds them, then plan for yourself how to invest all of that in what brings benefit and interest to you and with the least losses for you and the least benefits for others. doesn't do that Why is the world demanding transparency? Isn't it because most politics are done in secret? It is not concealment of a secret, but because what is hidden is ugly and contrary to the law, laws, and morals, it is mostly conspiracies between people against others, either for the purpose of plotting, theft, or establishing suspicious relationships, the more you hear an increase in the demand for transparency, know that people feel that the ruling is conspiring against them and what they have, and the more The meeting was exclusive and secret between the men of the summit, not witnessed by anyone else. The conspiracy papers were exposed for discussion and quotas. It is naive to drop the conspiracy theory from our awareness, as most major events in the world are the result of conspiracies, and the Palestinian cause is the greatest among us. Europe is their enemy, oppressor, and humiliator. The Palestine issue is a pure conspiracy in which the Arabs did not contribute with an arrow that justifies their actions to the Jews. Rather, if you contemplate slowly, you will find that the Jews have deceived them as well. The West got rid of them and then made them a watchdog and policeman over a people who feared them and did not want them to stand up to them. From then on, they guarded him with his protector and lorded with his help over his enemies, who were forced by circumstances to end the colonization of their country, and he is after He did not forget that they ruled half of Europe until the First World War. And this is just a blatant example, one of the many blatant examples carried out by the arrogant against the weak peoples, and against each other, the history of the world much of it is based on conspiracies, knowing that it is misguidance to attribute to them all the things that we are in it. The best way is to discover the causes and causes of events. Their causes may be purely local, or they may be purely external, and they may be a combination of these and those. Conspiracy is not specific to foreign policies, rather it is more about domestic policies, and the most famous in our history for cunning were not against external enemies, but against opponents.Jaafar Abdul Karim Al-Khabouri
جعفر الخابوري
جعفر الخابوري

المساهمات : 159
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/03/2022


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